Organisational development 

Continuous change is a basic attitude

Organisations develop ‘as a matter of course’. The customers, questions, technology, etc. change and the organisation adapts to these changes faster or more gradually. Conversely, an organisation brings new opportunities and approaches that entail innovation for the target group.
These processes become faster and faster and require continuous organisational development: learning to deal with changes. i.e. the ability to incorporate or even actively accelerate such changes.

CORDES helps organisations develop and gear themselves towards change in terms of structure and collaboration between line managers and staff, between front office and back office, between developers and ‘production’, and also by coaching managers and leaders and helping direct changes. To that end, CORDES organises the ‘dialogue’ in professional teams on what effective cooperation and collaboration means, which changes it requires and how they can achieve this.

How we see development: ”It’s the impact!”
The impact of an organisational development programme is our key focus. The impact of development programmes largely depends on the ambition within the organisation to put it into effect and the opportunities to experiment with innovations in practice. CORDES helps develop and guide such programmes and approaches.


  • shaping and implementing an MD programme with a healthcare organisation in response to the new relationships in their professional field
  • teaching an executive body of a municipality to work differently, in line with the 24/7 use of the city centre
  • teaching the internal consultants and top experts within an international technical company to work as a professional internal consultancy team
  • using the ‘dialogue’ approach, we introduced new perspectives on good cooperative working practices in a healthcare organisation and, eventually, achieved new, up-to-date work processes
  • ‘courageous work practices’: developing teams in the ‘serious healthcare’ sector to be self-managers and act professionally, using an organisational dialogue approach
  • exploring and shaping the future together by means of ‘future and management development meetings’ at local governments
  • formulating and guiding strategic meetings for a locally operating association How do we stay future proof: from Association to Movement
  • increasing the organisation’s flexibility, pro-activity and entrepreneurship to achieve the desired culture. Aligning vision, structure and culture